
Finding Your Hidden Resources: Generative Coaching & Integrative Learning Level One

Upcoming Virtual Online Session:

Enrollment is Now Open for Spring 2024

May 3rd,  11-5 EST (Modules 1 &2)
May 10th, 11-4  EST  (Module 3)
May 17th,  11-4 EST  (Module 4)
May 24th,  11-4 EST  (Module 5)

(All Sessions Hosted in Zoom)

Upcoming In Person Session:

Enrollment is Now Open for Summer 2024

Friday, June 28th  (noon - 6 pm)
Saturday, June 29th (9 am - 5:30 pm)
Sunday, June 30th (9 am - 2 pm)

Hosted Live In Ann Arbor, Michigan

Note: This course qualifies for 26 Continuing Education Credits from the International Coaching Federation.

In order to level up, we need to deepen down. 

I’m Dr. Melissa Peet, founder of GenerativeBody.Org and until recently, the Director of Integrative Learning and Knowledge Management at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

While getting my PhD at the University of Michigan, I was doing research on how people transform.  At the time, I was also really sick with lupus. The disease was a blessing in disguise.  In learning how to deal with the excruciating pain and inflammation, I was forced to pay attention to my body in new ways. As a result, I discovered a remarkable resource - a level of strength and intelligence inside of me that functioned like a powerful compass. It not only knew how to heal my lupus, but it also filled me with a sense of purpose and direction.  I now refer to this hidden resource as the Generative Body and I've taught thousands of people how to find and follow it in themselves and others. 

Dr. Melissa Peet

Our Workshops Are Powerful Learning Experiences For Learners, Leaders, Educators, Coaches & Professionals

  • Are you in a life transition and need to know your golden thread - what you should be doing next? 
  • Do you feel isolated or disconnected and not sure how to feel a sense of connection again?
  • Have you or someone you love been stuck in life, unable to connect to your passion or purpose?
  • Do you struggle with not knowing how to help others find their strength or how to bring out their best?
  • Do you regularly experience conflict and/or miscommunication in your relationships and not sure why?
  • Do you want to get beneath surface-level communication so you can really connect with others?

If You Answered Yes To Any Of These Questions, This Workshop Is For You

According to Dr. Timothy Wilson, author of the book Stranger to Ourselves, in any given moment, we take in about 11 million different stimuli, but we are only consciously aware of 40. That means, most of what we think, know and do - the intelligence behind how we respond to life - is completely hidden from us! The gap between our hidden knowledge and our conscious awareness is huge, causing us a great deal of stress and leading far too many of us to feel lost and confused. This gap make us feel stuck, often unable to focus on our goals.

During this time of global uncertainty and collective trauma, the stress caused by this gap is only getting worse.  

Research shows we cannot retrieve this hidden knowledge on our own, we need others to help us find it. 

In this workshop, you'll learn the concrete skills needed to find and follow this hidden knowledge. 

  • Learn tools to facilitate deep learning and change in yourself and others
  • Leverage your own and others’ resistance to change in order to move in the direction you desire
  • Learn the exact conditions and circumstances you need to be your best and thrive.  

If you'd like Continuing Education Credits for Social Work or from the International Coaching Federation, please contact Dr. Peet directly at melpeet@gmail.com and write "Continuing Education Credits" in the subject line. 

Helping Others Make A Difference

Dr. Peet has designed tools and methods that help people and organizations discover the vast reservoir of purpose, strength and intelligence they already possess but exists outside of their awareness. Several of these methods – Generative Knowledge Dialogue, Generative Coaching, and the Integrative Knowledge Portfolio Process - have been adopted by businesses and non-profit organizations as well as colleges, universities, and professional schools throughout the US and Europe. 

Rhonda Greene

Community Leader

She's helped me bring hidden resources to my role as a leader, and supported the development of ways to reclaim the lost energy that results from oppression and wield it as a creative force.  The impact is seismic. 

Dr. Jeff King

Educational Leader

The most potent tools for learning and transformation I’ve ever encountered.... they transform unconscious limiting beliefs by identifying hidden purpose and superpowers, using hard core data from one's own life... We've increased retention by 40% using these methods

Milton Fletcher

Executive Coach

This work takes me to a whole new level of depth and clarity in myself and with my clients... these tools have helped me redefine what it means to be a master coach...they redefine what's possible with other people. 

Why Now?

In this time of global upheaval, it is easy for the systematic forces of fatigue, privilege and oppression to reach into our daily lives, robbing us of our sense of safety, dignity, connection and clarity. It is easy for us to lose contact with our internal compass - that part of us that knows where to go, what to do next and how to be in community. More than ever, we need to stay in conscious contact with our sources of strength, purpose and resilience. We need to develop deeper connections with others.  

How This Course Helps You

Some people say that my workshops and courses give them a whole new way of seeing the world, one that allows them to get beyond their own limiting beliefs in order to identify pathways for insight and action they simply couldn't see before.  Others refer to it as getting an internal GPS that helps them see where they need to go and how to get there. I refer to it as getting a clear mirror, one that reflects your best self back to you, and then learning how to be that kind of clear mirror for others.  

I honestly can't think of anything else that is more important in life.

"The best online learning experience I've ever had...there were a lot of one-on-one dialogue sessions and the four-hour session felt like they went by in 30 minutes..." 

Tracey Clarke

Executive Coach

Generative Knowledge

The word "generative" means resource-creating. In this course, you will learn the basic principles and steps for retrieving your own and others hidden strengths and capacities and by doing so, you will gain a whole new set of resources I call Generative Knowledge.  You will attend five weekly sessions (3 hours each with lots of interactive assignments and breakout sessions), and have the option of being paired with a coaching partner with whom you can practice your weekly assignments on your own time.  As extra support, Dr. Peet will host a mid-week Q & A session and a generative "study hall" where you can ask questions, see live demonstrations of the methods and practice your generative skills together. Through this process you will learn things about yourself you never knew and become part of a beloved global community.  


Session One:

Generating Powerful Connections & Insights Through Embodied Communications

When we ask children "What did you learn at school today?" they often say "nothing." It's not that they didn't learn, it's that we're asking them the wrong question. In this module, you'll learn the difference between embodied and disembodied questions; the former connects us to our hidden knowledge and the latter (i.e. "What did you learn at school today?" ) hides this essential knowledge from us. You will also learn how embodied conversations expand and cohere our nervous systems, helping us to learn and grow in new ways. 


Session Two:

Identifying Sources Of Strength, Intelligence And Core Capacities Hidden Within Key Experiences

Your Core Capacities are set of hidden 'movements' you do that reveal you how and where you belong in the world.  They are hidden within a series of "everyday" learning experiences that exist far outside of your conscious awareness. Through fifteen years of research, I've identified the specific types of life experiences where these unique resources - your Core Capacities - can be found.  In this module, you'll recover these experiences in order to begin to identify these capacities.


Session Three:

Retrieving Sources Of Purpose, Engagement And Motivation For Change

When we have a sense of purpose and direction in life, anything is possible.  The problem is that a great deal of the energy behind our sense of direction is hidden and has been hijacked by larger cultural forces.  We talk about purpose as if it is singular force, but it's not. Most people have several sources of purpose and inspiration that are central to their life and when we lose track of them, we stop moving ahead. In this module, you'll retrieve your hidden sources of passion and purpose, and help others do the same. 


Session Four:

Using Your Transformational Force To Move From Resistance To Resilience

When we're trying to change, it is common to have one part of us that is quite motivated and another part that tries to stop us - that's our resistance.  The problem is the source of our resistance is completely hidden, wreaking havoc in our lives. In this module, you'll identify your Transformational Force - the part of you that turns your resistance into actual resources you can use to create change. 


Session Five:

Finding The Contexts And Relationships That Bring Out Our Best

Since we're taking in so much information from the environment that is outside of our awareness, we are often affected by people, places and things in ways that we do not understand. In this module, you will retrieve hidden data from your life experiences so you can identify exactly the kinds of contexts and relationships that make you go strong and exactly the kind that drag you down without you realizing it.  

The Workshop Is Interactive For A Reason

Traditional methods of self reflection alone cannot possibly reach our essential hidden knowledge; it lives too deeply within us. Thus, we need others to help us retrieve it.

This is not your typical sit and listen workshop, you’re going to engage with others and practice the tools as you learn them. During the workshop I will be teaching from a workbook. As we cover individual concepts and skills, we’ll be breaking into small groups to practice exercises with each other.

It’s not unusual for participants to discover amazing new awareness about themselves on day one - for many, it will be one of the first truly connected conversations they’ve ever had with another person.

These Are Skills For Leaders And Change Agents

A change agent is someone who facilitates positive change. In this workshop, you will learn the essential capacities for being an effective coach and leader.  More specifically, you will learn how to:

  • Discover the embodied realm of intelligence that is essential to wholeness and regeneration and yet hidden from view;
  • Learn how to retrieve and share your own and others’ unique hidden sources of purposefulness, strength, and resiliency
  • Identify patterns of successful change/regeneration hidden within your seemingly disconnected experiences;
  • Learn how to identify the SPECIFIC internal and external conditions that lead yourself and others to thrive and succeed;  
  • Practice giving and receiving vital feedback to help others become their highest and best self; and,
  • Ask questions in ways that will help you facilitate wholeness and regeneration in others.

Upcoming Virtual Sessions:

Enrollment is Now Open for Spring 2024

May 3rd,  11-5 EST (Modules 1 &2)
May 10th, 11-4  EST  (Module 3)
May 17th,  11-4 EST  (Module 4)
May 24th,  11-4 EST  (Module 5)

(All Sessions Hosted in Zoom)

Upcoming In Person Sessions:

Enrollment is Now Open for Summer 2024

Friday, June 28th  (noon - 6 pm)
Saturday, June 29th (9 am - 5:30 pm)
Sunday, June 30th (9 am - 2 pm)

Hosted Live In Ann Arbor, Michigan

Note: This course qualifies for 26 Continuing Education Credits from the International Coaching Federation.


I've attended Level One before, may I repeat?

Yes, we've seen several people choose to do this. There's always something new to discover! Reach out to me for a special price.

Where In Ann Arbor?

Our meeting location will be provided upon registration.

These are long sessions, will we take breaks?

Definitely! We have opportunity to take care of our need for a stretch, lunch, snacks & hydration.

What if something comes up and I can't make it?

Workshop registrations are transferrable but not refundable. You may transfer your registration to another member of your organization or defer to a future workshop event date without loss. 

Do you have a question not answered here?

Would you like to have a quick chat to see if the Workshop is right for you? Request a brief session with Dr. Peet here.

How do I earn Continuing Education Credits for Social Work or Coaching?

If you'd like Continuing Education Credits for Social Work or from the International Coaching Federation, please contact Dr. Peet directly at melpeet@gmail.com and write "Continuing Education Credits" in the subject line.  

"There is life before and life after this class and they're not the same. I came away with skills  that I was applying in my work/life from the very first session. "

Tim Clark


Dr. Melissa Peet | Generative Knowledge Institute | Copyright 2023